Cafeteria Prices 2024 - 2025
Breakfast $1.60
Lunch $2.90
Lunch Times
11:15-11:45 Pre K
11:25-11:55 Kindergarten
11:35-12:05 1st Grade
11:45-12:15 2nd Grade
11:55-12:20 3rd Grade
12:05-12:35 4th Grade
12:15-12:45 6th Grade
12:30-1:00 5th Grade
Latexo Elementary Cafeteria Guidelines
Use hand signs posted on the wall
All grade levels will sit in the order they enter the cafeteria (no skipping seats)
Trash will be collected 5 minutes before each lunch ends
Students will throw their own trash away. Trash cans will remain at the end of the table.
Proper table manners will be expected
Sit with feet under table
Use proper utensils
Area around tray will be tidy
Voice level will be 19
Students will raise hand / use hand signals before getting out of seat
Ice Cream will only be served on Wednesday
Students must get ice cream when they go through serving line
An announcement will be made when students have 12 minutes left of lunch that they can start eating ice cream
All food must be disposed of in cafeteria prior to students leaving
Areas that will be supervised in the gym / cafeteria include:
Serving line
Lunch Tables
Line in the gym for students leaving
7:25AM Cars and Bus Arrival
7:45AM First Bell
4:10PM Bus Rider Dismissal
4:10PM Car Riders Dismissal